Hello again, fellow Newgrounders!
I know I probably say it in every newspost... But there are some exciting projects on the horizon!
Let's start off by talking about Freedom Planet, that amazing-high-platformer-sonic-inspired game! To cut to the chase, the game's first demo for PC users (+ Macs, if you have a windows emulator) has been released TODAY! Just a reminder, the game features some Newgrounders as part of the voice acting crowd, such as myself, Omahdon, and sonicmega! You can check out the website and download it here, and be sure to visit the facebook page and let us all know what you thought of it!
Now, it's time to talk about the PONIES (I'll try and be brief)! I was over the moon yesterday when I found out that Australia is having it's FIRST MLP CONVENTION! Thankfully, I live just 45minutes away from the convention's location (Sydney), and it looks like it's going to be an awesome day (Yes, only one day, shamefully!)! To all those fellow Aussies who haven't heard about it yet, check out PonyCon Au's FB page and be sure to be there April next year!
A slight lead-in, a couple of weeks ago I collaborated with the amazing MegaTouhou (Piano, Mixer, & Lyrics) and Gap9877 (Guitar) on YouTube, and was given the awesome (and very daunting!) experience of singing his original fan mlp song, 'Trixie's Ballad.' I've always loved singing, but never, ever thought there would be a singing clip of me up on youtube. We were all really honoured to have been featured on Equestria Daily! We've got a couple more songs up our sleeves, and are all very excited to produce some more work! Check out 'Trixie's Ballad' below!
One more thing! Phagard: New Age of Warfare shamefully didn't meet it's goal on kickstarter, so as of today the aspiring medieval cartoon series and graphic novel is on indiegogo hoping to raise the funds. I voice Princess Azalea and Naomi, and am keeping my fingers and toes crossed that it makes it's goal! Check it out here, and if it captures your interest, I know me and the team would appreciate it if you shared the page!
*Sigh* I'm such a rambler!
I've been back at university for the past two weeks, and have found it difficult trying to balance my voice acting projects, work, and assessments. But I know with a little time, I should be able to get back into my rhythm!
If anyone needs a voice for their project, please email me at Aimee.SmithVA@gmail.com with a short character bio, voice type, some sample lines, and a deadline, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks guys! Xx
<a href="http://budge007.newgrounds.com/news/post/743452">http://budge007.newgrounds.com/news/post/74345 2</a> ... Always someone looking for a voice here or at <a href="http://voiceactingalliance.com">http://voiceactingalliance.com</a> , especially a female one.
Hope you get a lot of exposure on the projects you've already done :3
Thanks for sending that post!
I hadn't had a chance to catch up on the Artist's news today, so I appreciate it!
Yeah I check the VAC and VAA almost religiously, but it's been quiet the past few days.
Thanks again! :)